Be a part of London 2012 Olympics Games.
Samsung is searching throughout the world for curious, imaginative and motivated people to experience a once in a lifetime trip to London for 2012 Olympic Games!If you’re chosen, you will be based in London for the biggest sporting event of the year! Your task - search for the best insights London has to offer during the Olympics and share it with the world via video, photos and blog about it. You’ll be providing a unique insight into the Olympics as it dominates life in London throughout summer.Whether you’re a trainee journalist, avid blogger or just someone who likes to share exciting stories on Facebook or Twitter, you could be Samsung Global Blogger! Just send in a short 30 sec video of yourself and why you deserve to go to London 2012 now! Entries ends on 29th April 2012.
The chance for you to be a reporter at London 2012 Olympic Games. Here’s how. #SamsungGlobalBlogger