KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Lee Chong Wei may have lost the Olympic men’s badminton final, but the Malaysian public’s dream of scoring free ice cream is still alive.
Baskin Robbins has clarified that its “free ice-cream for all Malaysians” pledge was not only limited to whether Chong Wei grabs the gold medal in badminton.
A Baskin Robbins’ spokesman said the nation had been mistaken by coining the freebie with a gold medal won exclusively by Lee Chong Wei at the Olympics.
“The message sent out was that if any Malaysian athlete were to return from the Olympics with a gold medal, then we (Baskin Robbins) will be giving out Baskin Robbins ice-cream to Malaysians nationwide,”
“The ice-cream will be distributed on August 8th. Lee Chong Wei may not have brought back Malaysia’s first-ever Olympics gold medal but we still have high hopes for the remaining Malaysian athletes and this is just one way to show our support,” she said.
To celebrate Malaysia’s first Olympics gold medal and to cheer on the Olympics’ heroes, Baskin Robbins had collaborated with Media Prima Bhd’s “Dream of Gold” initiative by treating Malaysians nationwide with free ice-cream.
Every Malaysian is entitled to one scoop of the ice-cream that will be available on August 8 from 8pm til 10pm at 61 participating Baskin Robbins outlets, excluding kiosks at Pantai Hospital in Bangsar and Genting Them Park.
This will also be the first time Baskin Robbins to be part of a mass ice-cream giveaway in Malaysia to commemorate a historic moment of winning a gold medal for Malaysia.
Malaysian athletes left to compete in the Olympic are Azizulhasni Awang and Josiah Ng in men’s track cycling, and Pandelela Rinong in the women’s 10meters diving.
Meanwhile, Nando’s restaurant had posted a poster on their Facebook page in support of Lee Chong Wei’s “brave performance” in the men’s final.
“We don't accept your apology, Datuk Lee Chong Wei. Because you did bring Malaysians a golden moment,” written on their page.
Naturally, many Malaysians see eye-to-eye with Nando’s congratulating message whereas others saw it an as opportunity to joke for giveaway from the renown flame-grilled chicken restaurant (pic below).
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