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Jangan Marah McDonald’s M'sia, Marah US – Duta Palestin

Duta Palestin ke Malaysia, Dr Anwar Al Agha berharap Rakyat Malaysia tidak menyasarkan pekerja rakyat Malaysia yang bekerja di perniagaan seperti McDonald’s dan Starbucks dalam usaha memboikot syarikat berkaitan Israel.

Dr Anwar Al AghaDalam wawancara dengan The Star hari ini, Dr Anwar berkata pekerja terbabit hanya berusaha untuk mencari nafkah hidup. Justeru tidak adil menjadikan pekerja terbabit sebagai sasaran kecaman dan serangan dari rakyat Malaysia yang lain.

Sungguhpun mengakui boikot merupakan satu saluran bagi memberi tekanan agar Israel menghentikan tindakan agresif terhadap Gaza, beliau khuatir kempen di media sosial menuduh syarikat terbabit dengan Israel “cannot always be verified”.

Menurut Dr Anwar, adalah lebih tepat jika orang ramai menyalurkan kemarahan dan kekecewaan kepada Kerajaan Amerika Syarikat yang baru-baru ini meluluskan bantuan tambahan sebanyak RM 718.8 juta kepada Sistem Pertahanan Peluru Berpandu Iron Dome Israel.

“It would be better if the people go and protest at the US administration and pressure them to stop funding the Israelis with sophisticated weapons.”

Both McDonald’s and Starbucks Malaysia have released official statements saying that they do not support nor do they channel funds to support Israel’s aggression in Gaza.

“Our people have also broken down in tears because of threatening telephone calls,” said McDonald’s Malaysia managing director Stephen Chew on Monday.

“There were also incidents where our people were physically intimidated and publicly humiliated, and of property being vandalised,” he said. “Some were even afraid to go back to their hometowns for Hari Raya for fear of being harassed.”

In a letter to the media, he said: “Our staff in uniform have been publicly humiliated. Others were shunned by their peers when they went to the mosque.

“Even the children of our staff have been singled out in their schools, confused by warnings by some teachers not to go to McDonald’s.”